Venus Snap Vox Box Review

51tuhwQVxcL._SY300_I was excited to be chosen for another Vox Box! (see here to learn more about what Vox Boxes are) This time, the Vox Box was dedicated to one of my most-used items: razors! I don’t shave my legs nearly as often as I’d like during the off-seasons but during summer and vacations I like my legs to be extra smooth. I received the Venus Snap which is a to-go razor. Tiny and easy to pack, this razor is shorter in length than a usual razor and has a great grip area. You don’t need to use shaving cream as it has a strip that moisturizes when you add water. The idea behind this razor is to use on-the-go or on vacation. It so happened we left for Orlando, Florida right after I got the box in the mail. You better believe I packed this little razor. I was surprised at how easily it helped shave my entire legs and how small it was. I was afraid it would be awkward to hold because of the size but it fit in my hand perfectly. I used shaving cream when I was in the shower but didn’t when I was touching up. The blue little holder is plastic and water-proof. It also has holes in it so your razor can breathe and not get all nasty. The product is around $8. I’m not really one for reusable razors. I like disposable but I can see where this would be handy for travel. I wish the product Influenster gave us came with extra blades so I could review how it worked changing them. Anyway, the razor comes with 5 blades…perfect for a close shave. I give it a solid B.

Discloser: I received these products complimentary for testing purposes from Influenster

Week Freebies March 15th



I decided to do a post so I didn’t have to look at all of this stuff on my kitchen table until next weekend! Over the weekend I got some free things and they’re pictured above.

IntelliDent Toothbrush CoverĀ 

Martha Stewart Magazine

Surfing Magazine

Interview Magazine (With Yoko Ono on the cover!)